Query our endpoint to get information on your prompts
to trial Aeglos. To get a full licensed api key, please email us at team@aeglos.aiYou can query our API in order to detect prompt injection as shown below.
Input format
Note that your payload must be of the format:
Response format
Response Code 200
If everything goes right, your response will be of the format:
Here, the label indicates wheter or not the prompt given is malicious (or carries negative repurcussions), and the score indicates the probability of this indication.
Response Code 400
If your input is malformed, you will recieve an error code:
Here, the error specifies that the input should be specified with the key of "inputs"
to function properly.
Response Code 403
If your API key is invalid, you will recieve an message informing you that you cannot access the API:
To fix this error, please ensure you have a valid API key.
Response Code 502
If you recieve an error code specifing a “Bad Gateway”, it means that the Prompt Injection Model is spinning up:
If you recieve this error, please try using the API again in a few minutes.
Try it out
You can test it yourself with the below command (Note: We are using a custom rate limited API key here. Please email us at to get a your own key).
You should get something similar to the below output indicating the string was indeed malicious.